Those agile people who can bend over and look backward through their legs impress me. Fortunately it is rarely necessary to see that way. Some say that since we don’t have eyes in the backs of our heads, God didn’t intend for us to look that way; however, experience is a great teacher. Building upon the teachings of the past, God is always moving forward in our lives. As a matter of fact, Jesus says no one “having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.” We can almost feel His frustration with the Israelites wanting to go back to the bondage of Egypt after all He had brought them through. Built on the firm foundation of faith, a life dedicated to Him has no need for worrying over the past or hanging on to it as if there were no future. Jesus delivers us from the evil that has been and he holds our future. His plans are for you to have prosperity and hope. Today is a new day and whether we live or die we belong to the Lord. Regardless of our circumstances, we have reason for rejoicing.

Luke 9:62 Jeremiah 29:11 Romans 14:8 Psalm 121:7-8


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